ACL Return to Sport

“Returning to knee-strenuous sport before 9 months after ACL reconstruction was associated with an approximately 7-fold increased rate of sustaining a second ACL injury.”

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(2):83-90. doi:10.2519/jospt.2020.9071 (read full article)

About the Program

We believe in order for each athlete to have the best chance of success post ACL reconstruction they need to complete a Return to Sport (RTS) Program, pass a battery of tests, and wait a minimum of 9-12 months post surgery in addition to Physical Therapy. Athletic Evolution and Athletic Evolution Physical Therapy collaborate on our Return to Sport (RTS) Program to give each ACL Return to Sport athlete the best possible product and a real chance at success upon returning to their sport. AE has been doing RTS for over a decade and uses their first hand experience and proven research to make sure athletes return to sport with all the tools needed to make sure this injury doesn’t happen again. Our comprehensive program includes Baseline and Return to Sport Evaluations, monthly muscle testing using a hand-held dynamometer, weekly manual massage and scraping, weekly 1 on 1 and semi-private training, and physical therapy if needed. We can start you immediately post surgery in our Physical Therapy Clinic, or if you are rehabbing at another PT Clinic, we can take you between 4-7 months post surgery and guide you back to a Return to Sport.

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Meet the ACL Return to Sport Team

Director of Operations, Personal Trainer, Asst. Coach for NFL Combine Prep
Clinic Director
Staff Physical Therapist
Clinical Psychologist & Founder of Peak Mental Performance Coaching, LLC